11 Quotes & Sayings By Gina Damico

Gina Damico is a New York Times bestselling author of contemporary romance novels. Her books are known for their witty banter, sexy love scenes, and swoon-worthy moments. She lives in New Jersey with her husband, two awesome children, and two adorable but badly behaved dogs. She has a long-standing love/hate relationship with caffeine.

She wished, as almost all kids wish at one point...
She wished, as almost all kids wish at one point or another, that she could turn into a pterodactyl and fly away and never come back. Gina Damico
Well, remember, active Grims can't have children. Fertility is adversley affected by the proximity to the ether, to Elixir, and all sorts of other components-- plus, the Grimsphere is no place to raise a family, even if woman conceive here." Lex snuck a glance at Driggs, but Uncle Mort caught her." That doesn't mean you get a free pass to ride the baloney pony when ever you want to. Got it? Gina Damico
Momentarily forgetting how wind works, Lex tried spitting at him....
Momentarily forgetting how wind works, Lex tried spitting at him. This failed Gina Damico
Let me go!
Let me go! " She tore off a mirror and brandished it in his face. "I mean it! I don't want to go to your godforsaken hellbarn, you retarded psycho farmer! Gina Damico
We open five minutes ago, ” she scolded as he rushed in.“ I know, I know.” He pulled his blue vest out from under the counter and put it on, praying that she wouldn’t notice the glitter shower that ensued. “I’m sorry.”“ Five minutes ago. And where is my cashier? Watching goats mate on the computer? Gina Damico
Hey, I’ll have you know that with recent 3D imaging, Ichthyosaurus communis is more alive than ever! ”“ Talk like the Discovery Channel all you want, but a book of fossils and a tub of plaster does not an orgy make. Gina Damico
She wished she had a set of greeting cards at the ready, but Hallmark probably didn’t make any that said Thank you for giving up your life so that me and my friends could escape! It was SO appreciated. XOXO! Gina Damico
Kloo nodded at Lex in an indescribably maternal way, somehow cramming a lifetime of compassion, support, and tenderness all into one slight bounce of the head. Gina Damico
It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye, " Ferbus said too loudly. "Then it's one-eyed fun. Gina Damico
Here's the thing, ' he said, his face strained. 'It's just that I've been treading really carefully around you and this whole Cordy thing all day, just like Mort told me to. And I had to make sure you saw her and were okay with it and got home safe – again, just like Mort told me to. And as much as I'd love to continue exploring the implications of Damning roadkill, the truth is' – he plunged his hands into his hair until it stuck up even more than usual – 'you've been back here in my presence for two agonizing hours now, and if we don't properly make out soon, I'm going to hurl myself off the roof. . Gina Damico